Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Mimpi menyeramkan

Kebangun pagi banget hari minggu :(
Sebenernya gak mau bangun sepagi ini tapi.... Gara2 mimpi semalem gabisa tidur lagi.
Gue mimpi lagi liburan bareng keluarga bokap gue, tapi disana masih ada almh nenek gue..
Kita kayak nyewa satu ruangan di pesawat, tapi lebih kayak rumah. Ada kamarnya, kamar mandi, ruang tamu, bahkan dapur aja ada. Jadi itu bermula saat gue punya sebuah gelang aneh yang kembaran sama saudara-saudara gue lainnya, trus gelang itu ilang. Gatau gimana ceritanya gelang itu ada di nenek gue, yaudah gue minta.
Nenek gue masangin sambil megang pisau, nah gue belum nyadar apa-apa. Gue ambil pisaunya trus gue umpetin di suatu tempat, Nenek gue tuh kayak ngebet banget pengen bunuh diri.
Gue takut banget saat itu, gue narik tangan nenek gue yang udah teriak-teriak kayak orang kesetanan, nah disitu tante gue dateng. Gatau gimana ceritanya gue, nenek gue, sama tante gue udah ada di sebuah kamar. Tante gue kayak tidur gitu, sementara gue megangin nenek gue yang terus teriak-teriak.
Gue baca semua doa yang gue tau, gue kira ada setan yang masukin nenek gue.
Sampai akhirnya... Tali itu putus, pas nenek gue mencoba lari gue tangkep kakinya. Trus gue teriak2 bangunin tante gue, tapi tante gue nggak bangun2. Trus nenek gue kayak gigit kaki gue, sakit sih nggak, tapi ngilu banget. Gue berusaha lepasin kaki gue tapi gabisa-bisa. Akhirnya gue bangun, dengan kaki yang masih ngilu.

Itu mimpi teraneh 2012

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

A Letter to My Dad

Dear Dad,
This is probably the hardest letter for me to write.
I have had so many feelings over the years about you, about our relationship, and what I could have done to improve it and make you see me in a different light.
The fact that we've never been close has been the fault of both of us. I never knew how to walk through the "invisible wall" you built between us.
I was afraid of you, and still am. Your words never seem nice to me. Did doing that make you feel better?
It made me feel lousy, worthless, and ashamed of something I had no control over.
I'm sorry I've tried to do the best I could in everything I've attempted. I only wish you would have taught me more.
For the past thirteenth years, I've been starved for your attention. I always seemed to get the negative type.
It also seems that when we talk lately, there is nothing to talk about. The only time you talk to me is when you want to tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Retracing this letter, I've noticed that the tone is of a daughter pleading. It sounds like someone begging for scraps.
If you don't want me to stay with you, THAT'S FINE. The one thing I will never do is beg. I'm a human being not a dog.
I'm writing this through tears of frustration, anger, confusion and bewilderment.
But in my deep heart, I will pray for you, that one day you will realize how much I love you.
But when you do it'll be too late

Your daughter