Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Sejarah Internet

Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang dibentuk oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), di mana mereka mendemonstrasikan bagaimana dengan hardware dan software komputer yang berbasis UNIX, kita bisa melakukan komunikasi dalam jarak yang tidak terhingga melalui saluran telepon. Proyek ARPANET merancang bentuk jaringan, kehandalan, seberapa besar informasi dapat dipindahkan, dan akhirnya semua standar yang mereka tentukan menjadi cikal bakal pembangunan protokol baru yang sekarang dikenal sebagai TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Tujuan awal dibangunnya proyek itu adalah untuk keperluan militer. Pada saat itu Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (US Department of Defense) membuat sistem jaringan komputer yang tersebar dengan menghubungkan komputer di daerah-daerah vital untuk mengatasi masalah bila terjadi serangan nuklir dan untuk menghindari terjadinya informasi terpusat, yang apabila terjadi perang dapat mudah dihancurkan.
Pada mulanya ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 4 situs saja yaitu Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, di mana mereka membentuk satu jaringan terpadu pada tahun 1969, dan secara umum ARPANET diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1972. Tidak lama kemudian proyek ini berkembang pesat di seluruh daerah, dan semua universitas di negara tersebut ingin bergabung, sehingga membuat ARPANET kesulitan untuk mengaturnya.
Oleh sebab itu ARPANET dipecah manjadi dua, yaitu "MILNET" untuk keperluan militer dan "ARPANET" baru yang lebih kecil untuk keperluan non-militer seperti, universitas-universitas. Gabungan kedua jaringan akhirnya dikenal dengan nama DARPA Internet, yang kemudian disederhanakan menjadi Internet.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Paris, the City of Love

i've missed Paris so much, cause it's such a beautiful and gorgeous city.
The erection of the Eiffel tower was not very popular in the 19th century, it has become "The" symbol of Paris. It seems you cannot leave Paris without visiting it.
One of the things that surprised me most about the Eiffel Tower is its actual size. It is huge.  I had seen the Tower many times on the TV, in movies, postcards, etc. But it was not until I was underneath it, that I realized how big it is.
If you ever come to Paris you have to climb to the top to enjoy the view. There are three platforms. The top platform is the most expensive, but it is really worth the money.
Although I was not very lucky, because it was cloudy, I did enjoy the panorama from the top platform a lot. If you can, you should climb the tower one hour before sunset, when the view is at its best.

This is another of the most typical sights in Paris: the Triumphal Arch. It was constructed to honor Napoleon's campaigns in Europe. In 1940 the Nazi troops used it to celebrate their victory over France. A few years later, in 1944, French, British and American troops marched through it as a symbol of the liberation of Paris.

The Paris Opera, (Opera de Paris) is the primary opera company of Paris, France. It was founded in 1669 by Louis XIV as the Académie d'Opéra and shortly thereafter was placed under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Lully and renamed the Académie Royale de Musique. Classical ballet as we know it today arose within the Paris Opera as the Paris Opera Ballet and has remained an integral and important part of the company. Currently called the Opéra National de Paris, it primarily produces operas at its modern theatre Opéra Bastille which opened in 1989, and ballets and smaller scale and classical operas at the older Palais Garnier which opened in 1875.
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica. is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. Sacré-Cœur is a double monument, political and cultural, both a national penance for the supposed excesses of the Second Empire and socialist Paris Commune of 1871. Crowning its most rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ. The Sacré-Cœur Basilica was designed by Paul Abadie. Construction began in 1875 and was finished in 1914. It was consecrated after the end of World War I in 1919. 
to get her, you can climb the endless steps, or take a cable car.

The University of Paris, the oldest university in the World, sits in the Latin Quarter since the 13th century. Many of its students live in this district. But after the students riots in May 1968 the district has lost some of its bohemian flavor, because authorities split the university of Paris in 13 Campus. Nonetheless, many cafes, shops and artists remain in the world famous 'Latin Quartier'.
The Musée du Louvre is one of the world's largest museums, the most visited museums in the world and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, France, it is located on the Right Bank of the  Seine. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet). 
A complete visit to this museum could take you several days. The list of works of art is almost endless, from the Code of Hammurabi to Delacroix's "liberty leading the people". The most popular work of art in this museum is the "Mona Lisa". Some of the pieces you should not miss are the "Victory of Samothrace", the "Venus of Milo" and the "Raft of the Medusa".
Visiting Paris is like visiting an old photo album. No matter if you have been here before or not. Most of us have seen these images many times - in films, in friend's postcards, in history books ... I am sure you would have recognized this cathedral if I had not told you it was Notre Dame.
The construction of this cathedral began in the 12th century and finished in the 14th century. After the French revolution the church fell in oblivion. It was restored in the 19th century, after the famous novel of the "Hunchback of Notre Dame" was published in 1831.
The 'Champs Elysees' is one of the most famous avenues in the world. The avenue was built in times of Napoleon. This long avenue is surrounded by trees, imposing buildings, chic shops, movie theaters and night clubs and cabarets - the Lido. 
if you lost in here, you can ask many people. They speak several foreign languages, but before you ask anything remember to use the magic words:"Excusez-moi, parlez-vous anglais?" (Excuse me, do you speak english?). Even if you do not know how to pronounce these words, I am sure they will appreciate your effort.

So that's it...
My wonderful Vacation in Paris. 
it's unforgettable city and have many history.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Rangkuman jam keempat :3

Memahami Seleksi:
Seleksi berarti mengisolasi area gambar yang diinginkan. Biasanya untuk tujuan pemotongan gambar atau bisa juga untuk menjaga agar bagian gambar yang tidak terseleksi, tidak terkena efek manipulasi gambar ( pengubahan warna, pencahayaan dan lain-lain ).
Rectangular Marquee Tool:
Untuk membuat seleksi berbentuk kotak atau persegi panjang.
Polygonal Lasso Tool:
Untuk membuat seleksi dengan bentuk yang lain selain lingkaran dan kotak.
Magnetic Lasso Tool:
Secara singkat, tool ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai lasso tool dengan system seleksi otomatis. Tool ini secara otomatis mendeteksi area gambar yang kontras, sehingga proses seleksi menjadi lebih mudah. Namun keampuhan tool ini hanya dapat diandalkan bila gambar yang diseleksi memiliki tingkat kontras yang cukup. Bila tidak, maka proses seleksinya akan menjadi tidak optimal.
Magic Wand Tool:
Tool ini sangat efektif untuk membuat seleksi pada area gambar yang memiliki warna senada.
Quick Selection Tool:
Cara kerja tool ini kurang lebih sama dengan Magic Wand Tool, menyeleksi warna yang senada. Bedanya, Quick Selection tool menggunakan brush sebagai alat seleksi. Sehingga proses seleksi bias lebih interaktif dan mudah.
Color Range:
Memilih warna yang diinginkan, lalu sesuaikan nilai fuzziness untuk menyeleksi sebanyak mungkin warna yang senada. Seleksi dengan Color Range efektif untuk subjek dengan detail yang rumit namun memiliki latar belakang sederhana ( warnanya senada )
Quick Mask Mode:
Teknik seleksi ini menggunakan Brush untuk menandai area yang ingin diseleksi. Warna Putih digunakan untuk menandai area yang diseleksi, warna hitam kbalikannya. Warna abu-abu akan menyebabkan seleksi menjadi transparan.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012


UTS diundur, hampir batal jalan-jalan sama mama untung masih bisa perbaikan.
ah tapi pak ali gak ada terus disekolah, gimana izinnya?
Dirumah boring, di sekolah boring, maunya apa si?-_-
when school day i'm hoping for weekend, but when weekend i do nothing...
time go very fast, it feels like yesterday i was the new students in my school. but now? i already in eight grade. gapengen cepet-cepet sma...
pengen banget bisa ngerubah nilai-nilai kelas 8 semester satu. kalau nilai gue banyak yang merah ntar gue gadapet sma lagi... *oke itu lebay.

nyokap lagi jamannya marah-marah terus. gara-gara rugi saham malah gue yang kena marah.
salahin sahamnya jangan gue..
bulan ini sial banget, banyak aja musibah...
yang paling nyebelin adalah.... GAK JADI EXTEND..
mama udah janji mau ke swiss cuman gara-gara UTS diundur jadinya batall :'''''''''(
kenapa pake diundur sih? >:O

udah ah musibahnya sekarang yang bagus-bagus.
hmm apa ya:/
nilai-nilai naik, alhamdulillah....
uang jajan naik, trus banyak saudara dateng ngasih uang...
lumayan buat ditabung.

Udah dulu ah, kok jadi kayak curhat ya...-_-